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An app for commuters to purchase their ride tickets.



RoleProduct Designer

Entering a new market

Multisys aimed to enter the public transportation market by enabling Filipinos to purchase bus and train tickets in advance through their app.

User Demographic

According to a 2023 consumer survey conducted by Statista in the Philippines, as of January 2023, approximately 60 percent of respondents used public transportation, such as trains and buses, as their primary mode of travel, followed by 15 percent who preferred private motorcycles. This presents a potentially huge user base for the new app Multisys is developing, TranspoPay.


Admin Portal

The admin portal empowers users to manage transport routes, adjust fares, and monitor analytics and relevant data.

An image showing the home dashboard in TranspoPay Admin
Admin Dashboard
An image adding new route in TranspoPay Admin
Adding a route
An image showing the fare matrix screen in TranspoPay admin
Manage the fare matrix

Mobile App

All consumers will have access to the TranspoPay app, which is being released in partnership with GCash, the most popular wallet app in the Philippines. TranspoPay is integrated within the GCash app, allowing all GCash users to purchase tickets directly.

An image showing the TranspoPay MiniProgram in GCash
GCash MiniProgram
I was able to create a MiniProgram with the provided components from GCash's design system
An image showing screens of buying tickets with TranspoPay
Buy Tickets
Users can purchase tickets by selecting their preferred mode of transportation, route, or destination stop. They can also save frequent routes as favorites for quicker purchases.

Conductor App

Train and bus conductors can use the app to scan all purchased tickets, mark them as used, and complete the transaction.

An image showing screens for the TranspoPay conductor app
Conductor App

Delivered and Reskinned

The management intended the design process to be a one-and-done effort. The app has been handed off to GCash, and Multisys is now using it to pitch to other potential clients for reskinning.

Done in 2023This project is archived
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